Plane / Pylon /Mission Interface = Jettisonable 38999 connector: 8D36


8D36 is the first connector on the market that complies with the new standard MIL-DTL 38999/36. It is designed for use as an electric interface to transmit signals between planes and onboard weapons systems such as missiles, observation pods or smart bombs with GPS guidance systems. It features two major innovations: an ultra-reliable mechanical uncoupling system that provides new ejection performance levels, and a fully modular design that enables almost immediate umbilical cord maintenance during operations, or even reconfiguration of the fixing interface on the pylon, depending on the type of weapons used.

The first innovation in the new 8D36 connectors is a patented release system based on a principle of mechanical flexion and not friction. This design does away with all risks of catching the umbilical plug or pulling it away during ejection, problems that were often met with during operations with other connectors existing on the market. Thanks to a design that is particularly well suited to the dynamic phenomena of jettisoning, the 8D36 can function at ejection speeds of over 10 m/s while reaching new levels of angular performance at angles of incidence of up to 20° as compared with the vertical axis of the connector.

The second innovation: the 8D36 connectors are fully modular by design. This provides two advantages during operations. First of all, the mechanical part of the plug (the locking ring) can be changed individually in less than two minutes using simple tools, and leaving the harness in the pylon. This avoids having to replace the whole umbilical harness if the plug is damaged, e.g. following an impact against the pylon after ejection. Secondly, it also enables users to select a ring with a suitable length of retaining cord for the load installed onboard.

8D36 connectors also provide very high levels of resistance to vibrations thanks to a sturdy locking system on the missile interface and a mechanism holding the contacts in place with metal clips. They are tested on a vibrator in sinusoidal mode with accelerations whose amplitude stands at 60g for 36 hours and in random mode with accelerations whose amplitude stands at 44g for 16 hours. 8D36 connectors comply with the electric standard MIL-STD-1760. They are designed for 500 coupling/release operations. They are available with two types of surface treatment: cadmium or nickel. 8D36 connectors will be presented at the Eurosatory show in Paris, from 16 to 20 June 2008, on the SOURIAU stand - Hall 6 - stand F135B.

To find out more: www.souriau.com