- 1、2、4の5~25Aのリレー用に設計されています。
- 電圧保護: 1500 V rms
- 80ミリバール下での電圧保護:500 V rms
- 絶縁耐性: 1000MΩ以上
- シーリング:最大120ミリバール
- 振動保護:10~200 Hz(20 g)
- 様々な取り付け構成
These sockets accept 5, 10, 15, and 25 A relays in 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 reversers; either with or without magnetic latch and/or temporisation. They are available with several coding and mounting configurations.
Sealing is ensured by a silicon gasket at rear side.
Dimensions and features of the sosckets are those of the MIL-S 12883.